WARNING: If any of you kittehs are easily scared now might be a good time to turn away from what you are about to see.
My Daddy goes hunting for feral pigs in the Lincoln National Forest a lot. Mostly he just shoots stumps for target practice and he always takes his clicky flashy box along with his bow and arrows. This past summer he deserted us went hunting and left us all alone at home while Mom was gone in New Yuck. (Mom says I have to tell you that it was only two days and we had someone to take care of us while they were both gone. It is not the same.)
Anyway my Daddy saw this fawn (what a baby deer is called). Because I do not know her real name I will call her Fala.
My Daddy almost stepped on Fala because she was lying so still and being very quiet. He told me that Fala did not move at all while he was nearby so he was able to take a lot of pictures. I think her Mama wanted to go chat with the other Mama deer so she told Fala to stay there and wait. Fala does not look all that vishus to me.